Diary of a Quitter

Friday, March 6, 2009


To stop smoking means crossing a line.
How one reaches that line is part of their own unique personal journey. It may be a health scare, it may be because of a relationship, and it may just be because one has had enough. This is the diary of a quitter, someone who has stepped over that line and has decided to become a non-smoker.

Day by day, I attempt to go without a smoke. I do have a very good motivation to stop, which is my own personal reason but will I make it? I've tried to quit before and failed. Will this just be another failed attempt, another "I made two months that time" story?

Whatever happens, on Day One I crossed the line and became a quitter.

Many would like to have us think that this is an easy affair.
“To stop smoking, all one has to do is to stop smoking.”
“I went cold turkey after 20 years, just like that.”
“I went to a hypnotist and that was it.”
“Take this pill nightly and you should just stop smoking.”
“Would you like a cigarette?”
“Are you coming out for one?”

Those that say that quitting is easy have either never really smoked themselves, or are like a bunch of old women who have forgotten the agony of childbirth.

I'm sure I am going to struggle with this quit attempt but my motivations are strong, I have a plan of attact (patches) and the time is right.

I'm going to be a quitter.
